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Beginner Tips for Guild Wars 2 Guide

Guild Wars 2 is still going strong and is amongst the best MMORPG Games to ever exist. There have been new expansions and updates rolling out that brings some attention to the game. With that attention come more beginners who are getting started with Guild Wars 2. 

No doubt the game has deep mechanics that only the amateur or regular players understand. This leaves a space for the Beginners to fill but because of various Mechanics, they don’t understand the game even after playing for a while. 

So, considering all of this, we went ahead and Compiled these Beginner Tips for Guild Wars 2 Guide. Here we will be giving you details on some Tips that a Beginner should focus on and will also pave a path for beginners to walk on. Therefore, without any further delay let’s hop onto the details of Guild Wars 2 Beginner Tips

Game is Free

Yes, Guild Wars 2 is completely free and you can play it without spending a penny. If someone tells you that you have to pay in Guild Wars 2 to play it, they are completely wrong. The base of Guild Wars 2 is available for everyone to install without any cost.

You can install it, play the game, progress it, be included in the whole main story, travel to the Land of Tyria, and at the end become a level 80 Player without paying anything to the developers. 

Other than that it is completely your own choice whether you want the Expansions or not. There are also some seasons for Guild Wars 2 that you can experience but you will have to pay for them.

One more thing to mention in our Beginner Tips for Guild Wars 2 Guide is that there is no Subscription Fee involved in this game. You can play the game for free if you are not sure whether to get the Full Pack or not. After you know what you are doing here, you can proceed with the one type of payment. Simple as that!

How to get Expansions?

For the most part, you can Buy the Expansions or Seasons one by one. Another thing you can do is Purchase the Full Pack of Games which is budget friendly and will allow you to experience the Expansions, as well as seasons and much more. 


Guild Wars 2 is mostly known for its exploration and honestly, it is one of the most authentic things to learn in the game. When you are exploring the world of Guild Wars 2, you will find various maps that you need to complete. 

After you do a Map, you proceed to another Map, and slowly you will discover hidden mechanics of the game, as well as get Land, XP, and Rewards. Using these things, you will be able to become stronger. 

There are various things in Maps like;

  • Hero Challenges

  • Points of Interest

  • Waypoints

  • Vistas

  • Renown Hearts

  • Etc.

After completing them, you will complete that Map or location and in return, you will get more Rewards. All of these things will further be included in the Map Completion of Central Tyria. 

If you don’t know what it is. The Central Tyria Map is every map without including the Living World Seasons and other Expansions. 

Leveling Up

In Guild Wars 2, you will have a total of 80 Levels in which you will explore the Land of Tyria, play in the main Storyline and do the typical things. You will make your first character in the Game and proceed to play with that character. Therefore, you will have to take your time here.

After you start getting some Levels, you will be rewarded with various things and Perks, making your Class more refined and allowing you to become stronger. You might be fascinated with Level 80, but honestly, from there onwards, the Game begins. 

In our Beginner Tips for Guild Wars 2 Guide, we recommend you take your time with Leveling. Don’t rush the process and don’t go for shortcuts because this is the only way you can enjoy the game, get the most out of it, and become a good player.

After Getting towards Level 80, you will have to go for the Mastery Levels in Guild Wars 2. They will bless you with more rewards, Crafting Legendaries, Abilities, Mounts, various Perks, and so on.

Don’t miss out on the Story

If you are already onto Guild Wars 2, you might know that End of Dragons is their Latest Expansion. Looking forward to that, you might be tempted to Skip the original Guild Wars 2 storyline and jump straight to the latest Expansion. 

Our recommendation as always is to not go for shortcuts, but rather play the amazing Story of Guild Wars 2 and once you get a hang of this, you can jump toward the Expansions. 

So, Leveling and Story are both similar in this aspect. If you are playing the Free part of the game which we already mentioned in our Guild Wars 2 Beginner Tips, you are taking these three things together. 

As you proceed with the Story, you will be getting your Level and you won’t have to pay a penny for anything. If you are a Beginner who is just getting started with Guild Wars 2, you don’t have to go for Expansions, just simply play the Story, and then after reaching Level 80, you can buy Expansions. 

Expansion and Seasons in Guild Wars 2

  • End of Dragons

  • Path of Fire

  • Heart of Thorns

  • Living World Seasons

Gold is one of the most Valuable Assets in Guild Wars 2. You don’t have to worry about getting it as a beginner because you can Buy Cheap Guild Wars 2 Gold from GW2Sale.com. We also have amazing deals on our Guild Wars 2 Items, if you are interested in getting some.

No need to focus on Dungeons

While everyone will tell you about Dungeons and how they are useful for your Quick Leveling, they aren’t quite necessary for you to do. Mostly, you will find MMO games revolving around Dungeons and even Storyline has them. 

But, that is not the case with Guild Wars 2 because they are a type of side-quest you can do for various rewards, XP, Gear, and Leveling. So, you can play the whole Guild Wars 2 game without having to touch them even once. 

Besides Dungeons, you will find Game Instances, Fractals, Raids, and other locations to travel to. They are termed Game Modes or Side-quests that you can go for after getting a hang of this game.

One thing can be that you are playing with your friends and at that moment you can go for Dungeons as a whole group, rather than going for it alone. It will be much more rewarding and easier.

Gathering is also Important

As beginners we always want to be included in combat, preferring fighting over the other aspects of the game. There is one specific thing called Gathering through which you can get Plant Materials, Ore, Wood, Crafting Materials, and so on. You get the basic point!

You can further use your Sickles, Axes, and Pickaxes to Gather resources in the world of Guild Wars 2. So, it might not seem like a great deal, but it is on par with the Storyline, Fights, Networking, and enhancement of Character. 

If you don’t Gather Resources you are missing a big chunk of game mechanics made to help you get rich, make stronger Gear, and make the game easier. Gathering things in the world of Guild Wars 2 isn’t that hard as you can use the Tools we mentioned in our Beginner Tips for Guild Wars 2 Guide to gather all the things you can find.

With that, you don’t have to Buy stuff from the Guild Wars 2 in-game store, because you already have the resources stored through Gathering. 

The durability of Tools

The one thing that you have to notice is the Durability of Tools while Gathering. When you Gather Resources, the tools you are using take a toll and after a certain limit they will break. 

Others might recommend you buy them again and again, but we will tell you to Save up some cash and get the Infinite Gathering Tool for eternity. They appear in the Gem Store rarely and through there you can get the Infinite Gathering Tools. 

The usefulness of these Tools is that they don’t break or have Durability issues, and you can Gather the Heart’s Content without any tension. 

Do Your Dailies 

Just as the name suggests, Dailies are the things you need to do on a regular basis, every day. You aren’t forced to do them, rather they are extra Tasks that you can do every day to get Achievement Points, Rewards, and other things.

The good thing about Dailies is that they don’t need extra hard work from you and neither do you always have to do them specifically. Most of them can be done naturally while you are playing the game.

What’s in Dailies?

You might even ask what Dailies require from you. Mostly the Dailies are either Tasks with some Gathering related to them or they also are affiliated with some Jumping Puzzles. Again, they are not hard to do at all.

There might be Dailies related to the Events in specific Areas and amazingly there will be various people in groups working together for that specific Event Daily. You can catch up with those fellows to complete them quickly and earn your reward.

You can further understand it with an Example. In the area of Wayfarer Foothills, you will find several Events and for those Events, gamers will be chatting in the chat section. You can also find them in the Commander Map Tags which are quite helpful for the Event.

Crafting Requires Patience

One thing that most Beginners don’t get is that Crafting Requires Patience. Out of all the mechanics in the Game, Crafting is by far one of the Major and most complex ones. Therefore in our Beginner Tips for Guild Wars 2 Guide, we have to tell you that it isn't as easy as it sounds.

In Guild Wars 2, you will find around Nine Crafting Jobs. Each of those Crafting Jobs has their Pathway onward, with its Items and its Speciality. It isn’t like you can’t do Crafting as a Beginner but as you proceed onwards the Levels increase and you will be able to create more Unique Items, as well as Craft Rares.

Still, one thing to note is that Crafting does take time and it further increases as you go up in its Levels. You can craft Legendaries and Ascended Gear but it gets harder and takes more time from you in-game. 

You might be tempted to go for Crafting, Gather your stuff and make something amazing but it takes time, you won’t get used to it in a day, and neither will you be able to make good stuff quickly.

It will take time and you will have to follow the steps properly to reach a certain stage. The last stage of Crafting in Guild Wars 2 is Legendary Crafting. It is one of the most complicated processes in the whole game, but it is worth every second and step you take.

Wiki Command Exists Here

Most of the time Beginners don’t know that there is a certain thing by the name of Wiki Command in Guild Wars 2. Like its name, the Command is used to bring certain information you need about a specific thing. 

The Wiki Command will directly take you to the Wiki Page, which is the core of every piece of information related to Guild Wars 2. Therefore, in our Beginner Tips for Guild Wars 2 Guide we recommend that you learn about it and use it as much as you can as a Beginner.

Another amazing thing about Guild Wars 2 Wiki is that it brings up Information that is up-to-date and completely genuine. 

The whole thing might be simple and you might be thinking that it’s not worth your time reading. But genuinely, it is one of the best Tips anyone can give you. There are a lot of Mechanics in the game even Pros forget about them, using the Wiki Command will enable you to learn about them in detail just from the Chat Box.

How to use Wiki Command?

In the Chat Section Below, you can simply type in /wiki. Further, you can write in the name of the thing you need information about. Like, you can type in /wiki Dog Days to bring info on the Dog Days of Guild Wars 2.

Final Verdict

That is every Tip in our Beginner Tips for Guild Wars 2 Guide Guide. Keep in mind that there might be other tips and aspects we might not have mentioned but these are some of the Tips for Beginners in Guild Wars 2 that can genuinely help you out understand the game much better and get the most out of it. Again, it is important to mention that if you love the game and aren’t playing the game because it is paid, you are completely wrong. 

Guild Wars 2 is completely free to play and experience till you reach level 80, getting all the mechanics understood from beginning to end. The only things that you need to pay for are Expansions and Seasons, which you can get after you completed the Storyline. 

When it comes to Gold and Items, you can buy them directly from GW2Sale.com. It will save you quite a lot of time and you will be able to focus much better on the game. Hope these Tips help you out and feel free to let us know your thoughts in the Comment Section.

Meta Description: Are you a beginner looking for tips to get the most out of Guild Wars 2? Well, don’t worry anymore because here we have Beginner Tips for Guild Wars 2 Guide to help you out.

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